
Weihnachtsglocken froehlich klingen, durch die ganze Christenheit,

Andachtsvoll die Kinder singen, Lieder aus vergangener Zeit.

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, kuendet heut' das Festgelaeut,

Ehre sei Gott in der Hoehe, Ehre sei Gott in der Hoehe.


Weihnachtsglocken rufen alle heim zum lieben Elternhaus

Wo beim frohem Liederschalle, Weihnachtsfreude klinget aus.

Stille Nacht----------------------


Weihnachtsglocken, schoenstes Klingen, freut das Herz ob arm, ob reich.

Weihnachtslieder, schoenstes singen, hier und dort im Himmelreich.

Stille Nacht----------------



Joyfully the bells are ringing throughout the Christian lands.

Prayfully children are singing, songs from times passed.

"Silent Night, Holy Night, Hallelujah" the bells are saying.

"Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will."


Christmas bells are calling you home to the old homestead.

Were the singing and celebrating must slowly come to an end.

Silent Night---------------------------


The ringing of the Christmas bells brings joy to rich or poor.

Christmas songs sound beautiful in heaven as well as on earth.

Silent Night------------------------------------