O, Du Fröhliche----

O, du fröhliche, o, du seelige, gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.

Welt ging verloren, Christ ward geboren,

freue dich, freue dich, o Christenheit,


O, du fröhliche--------Christ ist erschienen,

uns zu versühnen, freue, freue dich, o Christenheit.


O, du fröhliche, -------himmliche Heere, jauchzen dir Ehre.

Freue, freue dich, o Christenheit.


Transl. by M.B.

O, so joyous and full of grace is this blessed Christmas time.

The world seemed forlorn, then Jesus Christ was born,

Rejoice, all your nations, come, rejoice.


O, so joyous, and full of grace is this blessed Christmas time

Christ did appear, to teach us to appease,

Rejoice all your nations, come, rejoice.


O, so joyous, and full of grace is this blessed Christmas time.

The legions in the heavens cheer loudly in his presence,

Rejoice, all your nations, come, rejoice.
