German-American Friendship Garden German American Friendship Garden, Washington D.C.








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German & English Stories, Side by Side


Freunde + der Baer -Friends & the Bear

Die Sterntaler- The Star Talers, Brothers Grimm

Koenige sind selten-Kings are rare,

The weaker Sex- The stronger Sex

Die Weiber von Weinsberg-The Wifes of Weinsberg

Der Mauseturm zu Bingen,The Mouse Tower at Bingen,

Die Lorelei, The Lorelei German & English

Liebeserklaerung, Declaration of love, country style

Der Kachelofen, The old tile stove

Eulenspiegel giving direction

Farmers complaining about Till Eulenspiegel

Keine Zeit, No Time,submitted by Irmgard Schlenker

The King's little joke,

Easter bunny in the Garden

Der Tag- The Day

A Fable by Martin Luther

The Tramp and the Tree. Good Story

Das Schlaftuerlein, The little door to sleep.

Der Wolf und das Schaefchen, The Wolf and the Lamb

Zwei Brueder, Two Brothers,

Die Wildsau, The Wild Sow

Grossmutters Brille, Grandmother's Glasses

Wenig und Viel

Boston's Irish Policeman

The clever Elephant, Der kluge Elephant

Der Branntweinsaeufer

